*Please note that the following publications are only available in Spanish or German

The modifications of the Investment Reserve in the Canary Islands (RIC) after Royal Decree 12/2006” (in Spanish), project for Master’s Degree in Tax Consulting and International Investments in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2009

Mimetic Isomorphism and the Advantages of Localization as Determinants in the Choice of Market Mode of Entry” (in Spanish), XVIII National Congress of Business Creation, Innovation and Economic Development, University of León, 2008

The Entry of German Companies in Spain” (in Spanish), project for Doctorate in Management and Business Administration of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2004

Advantages of Localization that Influence the Entry of Foreign Investments in the Canary Islands” (in German), Final project in Fachhochschule Kiel, 2002